About Us

Welcome to the Ohio Region 2 website for the Business Professionals of America organization. We are one of 18 regions located throughout the state of Ohio. Each region has a student leadership team that, with the assistance of advisors, sets the direction of each particular region.


Officer Team


Kenton Michael

Vice President:

Joshua Schmidt


Braelyn Brennan


Karter Witt


Tayler Williams


Hailee Allen


Ella Osborne


BPA Cares is a program that shines a light on and recognizes BPA chapters and their members who participate in community service. Participation in this program means that members are engaging in worthwhile projects while having the opportunity to receive recognition from the national organization.


Torch Awards

The Business Professionals of America’s Torch Awards Program is designed to promote professionalism and leadership in both career development and personal growth.


Competitions range from individual to team, from objective tests to judged presentations. Each one helps students prepare to be part of an effective, skilled national workforce. Competitive Event Download Center – WSAP Guidelines to be downloaded and used by BPA members for preparation for competitive events.

Region 2 Ohio

Capture The Moment

This year’s theme is Capture The Moment – and there are lots of ways to do that. Go to competition, get involved with service projects or just have fun with other BPA members! Find your own way to capture the moment this membership year.

Get Started

We Are Region 2

Region 2 Schools

Buckeye Hills CC

Federal Hocking HS

Gallia Academy HS

Jackson HS

Oak Hill HS

Pike County CTC

Scioto County CTC

South Gallia HS

Tri-County CTC

Vinton County HS

Wellston HS

Our Awesome Advisors

Our advisors are the heart of our region.

Mr. Michael Brace

Interactive Media

Wellston HS

Ms. Burnette Brown

Advisory Council

Business Administration Pike County CTC

Ms. Sonja Coble

Advisory Council Interactive Media

Federal Hocking HS

Mr. Richard Calver

Cyber Security Scioto County CTC

Mr. Mike Davis

CEAC Representative

Contest Registration Business Administration Wellston HS

Mrs. Rosalie Harper

Region Treasurer Network Systems Vinton County HS

Mr. Mitch Meadows

Interactive Media

Gallia Academy HS

Mr. Mike Deley

Advisory Council Retail/Office Program Tri-County CC

Mr. Jeremy Peck

Networking & Information Technology Systems River Valley HS

Mr. Adam Rippeth

Interactive Media

Jackson HS

Ms. Tracy Stewart

Region 2 Advisor Medical Office Management

Scioto County CTC

Mr. Jason Stout

Interactive Media

South Gallia HS

Mr. Jim Eichenlaub

Interactive Media Pike County CTC


Business Professional of America students get involved with numerous service projects through all levels of the organization. Here are just a few highlights from our local chapters.

Wellston HS Blood Drive

Wellston High School chapter students ran a community blood drive.

Federal Hocking HS Special Olympics

FedHock students have raised money for their high school’s Special Olympics team by selling popcorn and running a bowling fundraiser. The Special Olympics team joined chapter members on the bowling trip and they also hang out at the chapter’s Annual Sundae Social. Chapter members also assist the team at the regional Special Olympics Track and Field Competitions.